Deathly Inheritance
“Deathly Inheritance” is a romantic suspense novel by New Zealand writer Dorothy Fletcher. “As his hand closed around the handle of a...
Living in God's Own
Heading for a writer’s conference in Auckland, I was sitting in my plane seat, buckled in, high above New Zealand and eating my...
Love is a Drug
“Love is a Drug” is a romantic suspense novel by New Zealand writer Dorothy Fletcher. “Beautiful – there was no other word for her. She...
Deathly Inheritance
Deathly Inheritance” is a romantic suspense ebook by New Zealand writer Dorothy Fletcher. “She was on the floor, a pain pumping in her...
Invasion of the Crickets
This year’s hot, humid and sometimes wet weather has brought about an explosion of the bug population – at least it seems to have done in...
Dog Talk
Dog Talk There are lots of reasons to keep pets. Research says that sitting petting a dog or cat brings down stress levels and lowers...
Another Word on Running
I can’t resist having another quick word on running. Please don’t think I’m paranoid or anything – well, actually I am, but like most...
Fun Run - Reality or Oxymoron
It’s that time of the year again when posters pop up around town exhorting you to get fit and take part in a fun run, quarter marathon or...
On Being a Domestic Goddess – yeah, right.
The song says, ‘Money is the root of all evil,’ but for me housework is right up there with it. Nothing puts me closer to transforming...
Taking the Plunge!
After all these years of writing, why take the plunge into websites and ebooks at an time when most normal people of my age are enjoying...